frequently asked questions
when can I
buy memberships?
Online memberships can be purchased at any time online via our Union webpage, but must be purcharsed before the 5pm deadline on the Sunday prior to week of classes you would like to attend to ensure we can send you all of the class links for the following week in our Sunday Members email.
When we can return to in-person teaching (restrictions permitting) we expect we will be able to resume selling memberships, including drop-in class payments, in-person at each class.
can I become a teacher?
YogiSoc only employs qualified (200hr minimum) and insured yoga instructors. If that is you then please get in touch via our email. For those interested in taking their teacher training course here is a list of places that offer courses...
Jen Health and Wellness Seasonal Teacher Training
what classes are suitable for beginners?
Everyone is welcome at all classes as teachers will offer variations for postures. Please remember to listen to your body and take a Child's Pose when needed.
when and where are classes held?
The schedule is posted on our Facebook page each week and classes are typically held in the rehearsal rooms on the top floor of The Union. Specific rooms are mentioned on the schedule and any other venues will always be mentioned on the schedule or on event pages for special classes.
Unfortunately, due to restrictions from the Government and University, we cannot currently hold in-person classes. Therefore all current classes are online via Microsoft Teams.
Do I need a sports membership or university gym access?
No! Unlike Sports teams at the University, we are not an affiliated team who compete, so you will not need to buy Sports member access passes to the gym! If you would like to be a member of YogiSoc you need only to pay membership to us!